Saturday, March 29, 2008

"Cupcakes" in watercolour

6"x 9" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink $30.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

'Krishna Cat"

6"x 9" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink $45.
Okay, so I've been working on a large acrylic lately (Jenny said, "Acrylic? say it loud, say it proud!"...I'm still not sure. Any comments on the "acrylic" vs "Oil" painting nomenclature?) anyway, I haven't had time to work on any watercolours while getting this new painting really going- like I said earlier, it's really hard for me to shift gears between the 2 mediums... So, look for this "Acrylic" soon- "The Cat Woman Instantly Recognizes Lord Krishna and Invites Him To Tea".

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"Cat Woman Listens To The News"

6"x 9" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink SOLD

Monday, March 24, 2008

Shipping Costs as of Sept. 2008

If you are interested in purchasing one of my paintings, please contact me at
Shipping is $5.00 for small and $10.00 for large watercolours. If I ship to you in Calif. I also need to charge sales tax of 7.25%

Saturday, March 22, 2008

"Waiting Patiently"

This little painting is extrapolated from the large Acrylic I did last year, which is the first painting I put into this blog. In the large painting, she represents all the people in the world who don't really have enough to eat. In that painting she looks sad, as her plate is empty, but hopeful, as she is well aware of all the food around her. In this painting, I couldn't bear to have her plate be empty, so I painted her starting to get some food. I've had a terrible time coming up with a name for this one- very unlike me. As I write this, I still do not have a name, but I will put something on it before I post it.

6"x 9" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink $60.

Friday, March 21, 2008

"Ready To Get Started"

10" x 14" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink $90. SOLD

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Reason To Share # 5,000,000,000 Of 6 Billion Reasons"

We really are all one family! So of course we want to share with each other. "Take your brother's need as the measure for your action, and solve the problems of the world. There is no other course."

Yes, that is a "Christmas tree" in the background. Odd to be painting Christmas decorations in the spring? Yes, but most of the family photos I've taken are at Christmas time. And I like the decorations. We didn't celebrate Christmas when I was a kid. I found it embarrassing when kids would ask me what I got for Christmas, so I'd tell them what I got for my birthday, as that was in December, also.
When I was 16 I said to my mom, "Who cares if Jesus wasn't born in December? What's wrong with a Pagan holiday? Christmas is fun!" So we got a tree and decorated it. The first time we saw my Grandmother walking up to our house, we grabbed the tree and shoved it into a closet!
We didn't celebrate Christmas as a religious thing. We did it as fun. It included only our immediate family. A wonderful meal, festive decorations, and one simple present each, beautifully and creatively wrapped. My mom was especially into beautiful, original wrapping. Each present was wrapped differently, but they were all of a theme, and looked gorgeous together.

My mother's family had celebrated Christmas until she was 10. Then her father was taken with some fundamentalist version of Christianity in which they did not celebrate Christmas because it was not the real birth time of Jesus. He made them throw away all their decorations. My grandmother wanted to give them to people who would use them, but he refused, saying he did not want to perpetuate that sinful holiday! My dad's family celebrated it, but in deference to her family, he gave it up when they married. Even though my mom rejected her family's religion, she continued not celebrating Christmas until my declaration.

Today we feel spiritual significance to the holiday, though not religious. We still celebrate with only our immediate family and our kids. A wonderful meal, festive decorations, and we still, with a few exceptions, give only one gift each, usually hand made. My gifts to my family over the last 40 years have mostly all been made by me. I love making them, and I am teaching Olivia to do the same. As she grows up, that will be her choice, but for now she enjoys making her presents.

10"x 14" Watercolour/Gouche/Ink $150. + t & s

"Dunvegan on Forestis Haefen"

Here it is, the strawbale house we are building. This picture was taken this past Jan. We had snow for 3 days! We took this at the first of the snow, because we had no idea it would snow for 3 days!

"Dunvegan" is the name of the ancestral home of the MacLeod clan, on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. "Forestis Haefen" is Old English and Latin for "Forest Haven", which this place is- 22 beautiful, wooded acres. I wanted to say it in Gaelic, but it wasn't right sounding. Nor was it interesting in Swedish or Norwegian. So there you have it!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"I hope you enjoy looking! Please leave some comments!

There are several pages. If you have not been here before, be sure to click on "older posts" at the bottom of each page. I started on Feb. 3,2008


What could be better? Something delicious to eat, yummy to drink, beautiful flowers and a fabulous, there could be company right around the corner- or this could be blissful solitude. What do you think?

6"x9" watercolour/Gouache/Ink SOLD

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008

"The Red Fox"

Here we have another version of these little kids at the table. I never seem to get tired of table scenes. People sitting together and sharing food, the sustenence of life, is such a basic and wonderful event, played out many times daily, all over the world. If only we can learn to appreciate and accept each other soon. We should be celebrating our differences, not shutting out those who are different. But there is tremendous hope! The following is an excerpt of an article by the Master--, a Master of Wisdom.
"Such is the pressure under which humanity lives today that only the few can perceive the transformations which, daily, are occuring on a global scale. A momentum of change has been established which naught can halt or deviate. Thus it is that the world is undergoing regeneration, purification and pain, preparatory to the creation of an entirely new civilization.

The new civilization will be built upon the foundations of the past, but, neccessarily, much of the old must be swept away, corrupt and useless as it is.

For those with eyes to see, the new indicators are already evident. Wherever men turn their eyes today, a new landscape presents itself, new ideas engage the mind, new structures take tentative shape. A world in flux is transforming itself, the growing pains of change are felt by all." (Read the entire artcle in the March 2008 issue of Share International magazine)

10"x 14" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink $150. + t & s

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

"Reason for Sharing #3,987,678,000 of 6Billion Reasons"

6"x 9" watercolour/Gouache/Ink $30. + T & S

"The Cat Woman Succeeds In Being Here Now"

6"x 9" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink $45. + tax and $4. shipping

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"Cat Amazed at the Offering"

6"x 9" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink $60.00 + tax & $4. shipping

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"Ready For The World Teacher"

Here is our dining table and chairs again. (Read about them in an older post) I like to put other paintings of my own in, and also some extrapolated from my ex-husband. I loved his paintings and knew I would really miss them when he moved out, so I started to paint my version of some of them into my paintings at the time of our divorce, and I still do it sometimes. (I have an album of photos of his paintings.) His originals are far too gorey and depressing for me, so I take those parts out. He would do a really fabulous painting, then, in my opinion, he would ruin it by putting bullet holes in the head, or ropes and a blindfold or knives and blood. I've put one of my paintings in this one, as well as an extrapolation of one of his. In his painting, I think the figure was meant to be King Louie the 14th. I have made him into The World Teacher. Who we are desperate for. Someone with tremendous compassion and wisdom, who can galvanize us to work together to save our planet, and with it, life on the planet. We have to do the work ourselves, but we are in great need of the ability to work together, and with focused purpose. Time is running out, but we will make it, because we have such wise help in the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom.

10"x 14" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink $150. + $9. shipping & tax

Monday, March 10, 2008

"Sharing Is Divine" so many ways! When we see what others need and do what we can to help... this is the way to world peace. Inner peace, world peace. Not shopping for peace, as some would like us to for what you need. Be aware of where what you need is made, under what conditions. It's hard for us here in the US to realize that child exploitation is still very much a problem in many of the countries where our goods come from...Child exploitation, but also, human exploitation. If you have thoughts about this, I'd enjoy hearing from you.

6"x 9" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink (sold)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

"Resisting Market Forces"

Market forces equal death. See it up there in the left corner? Good dog! Get that nasty thing!

10"x 14" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink $150. + $9. shipping & tax

Thursday, March 6, 2008

"Waiting With Great Anticipation"

10"x 14" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink SOLD

"Girls in Lapland- How's That Snow doing?"

10"x 14" Watercolour/Gouache/ink $140. (+ tax & $9. shipping)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"Dare She Think of an Amazing Future?...""

10"x 14" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink $150.00 + tax & $9.00 shipping

Monday, March 3, 2008

"The Cat Woman Contemplates Possibilities of The Future"

What will the future bring? Will we respond to the love energy, and create a planet of tremendous beauty and joy for everyone? Or will we cling on to the old Piscean belief that "I did it myself, so can everyone else" and keep going in the dire direction we're headed- where the super rich get even richer, enabled by those in power, and trample ruthlessly over the Earth those happy with a simple life, and those simply trying to live... until we either blow ourselves up, pollute ourselves to death or drown in the rising tide...the rising tide of what? The ocean, fed by melting ice caps...or the rising tide of bigotry we're seeing in this country now, the rising number of hate crimes, fed by the anti-immigrant furor/war-on-terror drumbeat...
The choice is ours. Good people, speak out. Be a champion for good.

10"x 14" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink $125. (+ tax & $9. shipping)

Framed watercolour

The framed painting is hanging on one of the walls in our house that I rubbed with a terracotta glaze. You can also see part of an arched door that I've decorated with a painted trim.
Hand made, hand painted wood frame with acrylic "glass"- frame only:$250. With painting:$320.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

"The Whole World is One Family"

More of my favorite theme- all kinds of different people sitting around a table with interesting things to eat. You'll notice this green table and chairs in lots of my paintings. It's been our dining table for years, and I really love it. I think it's a kind of funny story about the table's history- let's see if I can explain this... It was given to Bill and me by our friends, Kathy and Bill C., and when they gave it to us, he said, "This really should have been yours! So now it finally will be." I was confused, so this was his explaination: It had originally belonged to Bill C. and his ex-wife, Marianne. Before Bill C. was with Marianne, it had belonged to Marianne's boyfriend, Rob, who later became my first husband. Is that clear?
When we got the table, the finish was a very beat up and blochy natural brown wood, not our favorite look, but I really loved the form, the crazy balls and grooves and all. First I painted the top, in tealy tones, faux "marble". I really liked it, but couldn't think of what to paint the legs and chairs, so I just made them a flat peach colour, the same as our walls. Even though I didn't really love it that way, it stayed that way for quite a few years. Finally, sometime in the 90's, I painted the legs and the chairs a beautiful green, that we still love, even though they are a bit beat up now. I don't even mind that they're a little beat up.
10"x 14" Watercolour/Gouache/Ink $145. (+ Tax & shipping)